Beyond20: A ServiceNow Elite Partner Best Practices for Implementing ServiceNow Strategic Portfolio Management
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Best Practices for Implementing ServiceNow Strategic Portfolio Management

Written by Brian Flora

ServiceNow’s Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM) has emerged as a crucial tool for enabling IT leaders to manage their IT resources effectively and align them with broader business objectives. With ServiceNow SPM, companies can take their project management to a new level, engaging in informed decision-making that alters every facet of their operations.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best practices for implementing ServiceNow’s SPM, and provide a roadmap for IT professionals and ServiceNow users to navigate through the complexities of strategic portfolio management with ease and precision. We will dive into how SPM can offer a strategic advantage, the key steps you need to follow, and how to avoid some of the most common pitfalls with implementing SPM. 


Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM) is a comprehensive approach to project and program management that considers each initiative’s value and contribution to the organization’s strategic goals. ServiceNow has revolutionized SPM by offering tools that enhance visibility, decision-making, and resource allocation. At its core, SPM is about identifying and advancing projects that support an organization’s strategic goals while eliminating the ones that don’t. ServiceNow’s SPM functionality provides a comprehensive suite of capabilities, including real-time dashboarding, analytics, and project tracking, empowering IT leaders to steer their organization’s portfolio in the right direction.

By taking a holistic view of your project portfolio, ServiceNow enables you to not only execute projects efficiently but also ensure they are in alignment with your strategic business objectives. SPM offers a unified view that combines project portfolio management, demand management, and strategic planning, alongside financial modeling tools to forecast and track budgets effectively. Central to the SPM module is its ability to provide visibility and control over the entire lifecycle of strategic investments. This allows organizations to adapt to changes rapidly, respond to emerging opportunities, and make continuous improvements by leveraging data-driven insights. With ServiceNow SPM, leaders can prioritize projects based on their potential impact, monitor performance in real time, and measure outcomes against strategic goals, ensuring a high degree of precision in executing the company’s vision. The result is a more agile, competitive, and forward-thinking organization, ready to tackle the complexities and challenges of the modern business landscape.

ServiceNow SPM Dashboard

Figure 1: ServiceNow SPM Dashboard

Benefits of Strategic Portfolio Management

Embracing SPM through platforms like ServiceNow brings a multitude of benefits, consolidating multiple initiatives under one umbrella to enable a clear and strategic view of your operations.

Increased Visibility and Transparency

Gone are the days of siloed projects and hidden costs. With ServiceNow’s SPM, organizations can enjoy a singular, comprehensive view of their project portfolio. This heightened visibility allows for better tracking of ROI, risks, and resource allocation.

Improved Decision-Making and Alignment

SPM equips decision-makers with the data they need to make informed choices, aligning project portfolios with the overall corporate strategy. Decisions are no longer made in isolation but are based on a wide-ranging context of strategic importance.

ServiceNow SPM Roadmap

Figure 2: SPM Roadmap Planning

Enhanced Resource Allocation and Efficiency

By understanding the full scope of resource needs across projects, organizations can optimize resource allocation. This ensures that the right projects receive the right resources at the right time, leading to improved efficiency and reduced project bottlenecks.

Key Steps for Implementation

When integrating ServiceNow’s SPM into your operational framework, several key steps are critical to a successful deployment.

Define Portfolio Objectives and Priorities

Before you can start managing your portfolio strategically, you need to define what success looks like for your organization. What are your strategic objectives, and how can projects contribute to their realization? Clarifying these objectives sets the foundation for strategic alignment.

Identify and Categorize Projects

Categorizing projects helps in grouping them by their aligned strategic goals, as well as their risk and complexity. ServiceNow’s platform allows for easy cataloging and classification, enabling better portfolio balance and risk management.

Establish Governance and Decision-Making Processes

Effective governance is vital for SPM success. This involves not only setting the rules for how projects are managed but also the mechanisms for escalation and decision-making when conflicts or issues arise.

Align with Organizational Strategy and Priorities

Your project portfolio must be a reflection of your organizational strategy. ServiceNow’s SPM tools provide the framework to ensure every project aligns with and contributes to the organization’s strategic goals.

Implement Effective Reporting and Communication Mechanisms

Transparency is key to SPM, and effective reporting and communication tools are essential. ServiceNow provides robust reporting capabilities that can be tailored to your organization’s unique needs, ensuring all stakeholders are informed and engaged.

Continuously Review and Optimize Portfolio Performance

SPM is not a one-and-done process. It requires continuous review and optimization to ensure that your project portfolio remains aligned with your organization’s strategy and delivers value over time.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Implementing SPM is not without its challenges. Here, we look at some common stumbling blocks and strategies for overcoming them.

Resistance to Change

Change is hard, and SPM often requires cultural and process shifts. To combat resistance, it is crucial to involve stakeholders early, communicate the benefits clearly, and provide training and support to those impacted.

Data Accuracy and Quality

SPM depends on accurate and high-quality data. Regular audits and data verification processes can help maintain the integrity of your project portfolio information.

Insufficient Resources and Skills

Lack of resources and skill gaps can hinder SPM efforts. Investing in the right tools and training can help bridge these gaps, equipping your team with the capabilities they need to succeed.

Change Management and Stakeholder Engagement

Change management is a foundational aspect of SPM. Engaging with stakeholders throughout the process, listening to their concerns, and addressing them is critical to gaining their buy-in and support.


Strategic Portfolio Management is a pivotal practice for effective IT management in the digital age. ServiceNow offers a powerful suite of tools and solutions to make SPM more manageable and impactful.

As organizations strive for continuous improvement and innovation, the implementation of SPM is not only beneficial but often necessary. By following the best practices outlined in this guide, you can position your organization for strategic success and long-term viability in an ever-evolving business environment. Moving forward, it’s essential to recognize that the landscape of IT and business will continue to evolve. In this dynamic environment, an organization’s ability to adapt and refine their Strategic Portfolio Management approaches can define their competitive edge. As technologies advance and organizational needs shift, staying agile within your SPM framework will not just be an advantage—it will be imperative. At the heart of this agility is the commitment to not only embrace change but to anticipate it, ensuring that your SPM initiatives are as future-proof as possible.

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Originally published February 02 2024, updated February 02 2024